- Openers
Lineair hydraulisch
- TOP 291 EVO hydraulische hekopener
- hydraulische hekopener GIBIDI TOP 291 ERS
- GiBiDi TOP 391 EVO hydraulische hekopener voor draaihekken
- GiBiDi TOP 391 EVO RS hydraulische hekopener voor draaihekken
- hydraulische draaihekopener GiBiDi TOP 441 EVO
- GiBiDi TOP 441 EVO RS hydraulische draaihekopener
- Kit TOP 291 EVO
- Kit TOP 391 EVO
- Kit TOP 441 EVO
- Kit TOP 291 EVO ERS
- Kit TOP 391 EVO ERS
- Kit TOP 441 EVO ERS
- ART 5000 opener met knikarm voor brede kolommen
- ART 5024 opener met knikarm voor brede kolommen
- Gibidi SNAPPER knikarmopener op 24Vdc
- Gibidi SNAPPER knikarmopener op 24Vdc
- Kit ART 5000
- Kit ART 5000 long
- Standaard knikarm voor SNAPPER
- Standaard knikarm voor GiBiDi ART 5000 en 5024
- Verlengde stalen knikarm voor GiBiDi ART 5000 en ART 5024
- kit ART 5024
Ondergrondse openers
- FLOOR 850 ondergrondse hydraulische draaihekopener
- FLOOR 880 ondergrondse hydraulische draaihekopener
- Fundatiekast voor GIBIDI FLOOR
- Kit FLOOR 850 ondergrondse automatisatie
- Kit FLOOR 880 ondergrondse automatisatie
- GROUND 610 mechanische ondergrondse automatisatie
- GROUND 634E mechanische ondergrondse automatisatie
- Bedieningen
- Plug in ontvanger GIBIDI 433 Mhz. AU02910
- Gibidi losse ontvanger met 4 kanalen 433.920Mhz. AU02810
- Gibidi losse ontvanger met 1 kanaal 433 Mhz.
- Plug in ontvanger GIBIDI 868 Mhz. AU02940
- Gibidi losse ontvanger met 4 kanalen 868Mhz. AU02840
- GIBIDI versterkingsantenne 433.920 Mhz.
- Buitenhuis behuizing voor ontvanger AU02800
- behuizing voor ontvanger AU02600
- MAKO afstandsbediening (zwart) 433 Mhz.
- MAKO handzender (wit ) 433 Mhz.
- VINCI afstandsbediening 2 kanaals AU03300
- MAKO afstandsbediening (zwart) 868Mhz.
- MAKO handzender (wit ) 868 Mhz.
- GiBiDi 40,685 Mhz. afstandsbediening
- GiBiDi afstandsbediening op 26.995Mhz
- CLONYCOPY universele zenders ontvangers besturingen en beveiliging
- Codeklavier met kaartlezer, 2 relais, 999 codes AU02201 zwarte uitvoering
- Codeklavier met kaartlezer, 2 relais, 999 codes AU02201
- Zwart codeklavier 1 delig met verlichte toetsen 88001
- Spanningsomvormer van 16-28Vac-dc naar 12Vdc
- codeklavier 2 delig met verlichte toetsen DCEL1
- codeklavier 2 delig met verlichte toetsen DCEL2
- codeklavier 2 delig met verlichte toetsen DCEL3
- Extra toetsenbord voor codeklavier CTL EF F D
- codeklavier 2 delig met verlichte toetsen en zwart toetsenbord
- codeklavier 2 delig,verlichte toetsen en zwart toetsenbord 2relais
- codeklavier 2 delig verlichte toetsen en zwart toetsenbord 3 relais
- Extra zwart toetsenbord voor codeklavier CTL EF F D
- Codeklavier OCL1, tweedelig, 1 relais, 4 codes
- extra toetsenbord voor 99008T
- GIBIDI draadloos codeklavier KC1RF
- Extra toetsenbord 99010 voor GiBiDi codeklavier
- Electronische besturingenGibidi elektronische besturingen voor automatisatie
Electronische besturingen
- F4PLUS besturing voor draaihek automatisering
- BA230 besturing voor draaihek automatisering
- BA24 besturing voor 1 OF 2 MOTOREN OP 24Vdc AS05590
- BE24 stuurkast voor 2 x 24Vdc draaihekopeners
- BE24G stuurkast voor 2 x 24Vdc draaihekopeners
- BA100 analoge stuurkast voor 1 motor
- BSC24 Besturing voor 1 motor op 24Vdc
- SC380 bedieningskast voor 1 motor op 220V of 220-380V driefasig
- SC230E print voor schuifpoort automatisatie
- SE24 controller voor schuipoort automatisering
- BR24 stuurkast voor slagboom
- TAIMEN print voor garagepoortmotor
- CL100 sturing verlichting of elektromagneet
- TL100 sturing voor verkeerslichten ( rood – groen )
- Electronische besturing voor veiligheidslijsten AS05070
- Beveiliging
- Infrarood fotocel opbouw AU02250
- Digitale infrarood fotocel opbouw AU02010
- Digitale infrarood fotocel opbouw AU02020
- Batterijkit voor fotocel AU02020
- GiBiDi inbouw infrarood fotocel 70110
- Infrarood fotocel inbouw 60mm AU02260
- Gibidi Infrarood fotocel opbouw AU02270
- Fotocel met reflector FB-02
- Kunststof koppelstuk voor GiBiDi DC onderdelen
- GiBiDi aluminium kolom 55cm 70420
- GiBiDi aluminium kolom 110cm 70400
- GiBiDi aluminium kolom 110cm 70410
- Cisa elektrisch haakslot rim lock 12Vac 1A721
- Cisa elektrisch haakslot rim lock 1A137 met drukknop
- Elektrisch zijwaarts of grondslot binnendraaiend rechts IS10605
- Elektrisch zijwaarts of grondslot binnendraaiend links IS20605
- Elektrisch zijwaarts of grondslot buiten draaiend links ISB20605
- Elektrisch zijwaarts of grondslot buiten draaiend rechts ISB10605
- Elektrisch slot met drukknop ISG10605
- Montageplaat voor elektrisch slot ISB605
- Elektrisch zijwaarts of grondslot IS52N515
- Elektrisch slot voor draaihekken AJ00632
- Elektrisch slot voor draaihekken AJ00642
- Tegenplaat voor elektrisch slot horizontaal
- Tegenplaat voor elektrisch slot verticaal
- Mechanische grondgrendel met veer LOCKVERT
- Horizontale blokkering voor draaihek LOCKHOR
- Grendel Elektromagnetische 50mm slaglengte inox 28800
- Elektromagnetische grendel voor poorten zwart gelakt
- Knipperlicht GibIdi DSL 70750
- Gibidi knipperlicht DSL 70710
- Print met LED verlichting voor DSL knipperlicht AU02610
- Gibidi knipperlicht DSL 70724
- Print met LED verlichting voor DSL knipperlicht AU02624
- Gibidi geel verkeerslicht met ledverlichting AU02050
- Gibidi rood verkeerslicht met ledverlichting AU02060
- Gibidi groen verkeerslicht met ledverlichting AU02070
- Gibidi witte led omgevingsverlichting AU02090
- Rood-groen verkeerslicht met LED 24Vdc AU02096
- Rood/groen verkeerslicht met LED 230V AU02097
- Gibidi geel verkeerslicht met ledverlichting AU02050
- Gibidi rood verkeerslicht met ledverlichting AU02060
- Gibidi groen verkeerslicht met ledverlichting AU02070
- Gibidi witte led omgevingsverlichting AU02090
- Kunststof koppelstuk voor GiBiDi DC onderdelen
- GiBiDi aluminium kolom 55cm 70420
- GiBiDi aluminium kolom 110cm 70400
- GiBiDi aluminium kolom 110cm 70410
- Videofonie
Farfisa DUO
- Farfisa videofoonkit SETTE ALBA KIT4252ABW
- Farfisa videofoonkit ZHERO AGORA KIT1252AGLEW
- Farfisa videofoonkit MYLOGIC AGORA KIT 2002AGLE
- Farfisa videofoonkit ECHOS AGORA KIT9262AGCW
- Farfisa videokit EXHITO AGORA KIT3262AGC
- Farfisa videofoonkit ZHERO PROFILO KIT1262PLW
- Farfisa videofoonkit MYLOGIC PROFILO KIT2062PLC
- Farfisa videofoonkit ECHOS PROFILO KIT9262PLCW
- Farfisa videofoonkit EXHITO PROFILO KIT3262PLC
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Privacy Policy
The website DOMAIN (hereinafter referred to as: the “Website”) is brought to you by:
COMPANYNAME (hereinafter referred to as “COMPANYNAME”, “We” and “Us”) ADDRESS
Email: EMAIL
Don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any privacy-related questions. We promise we’ll get back to you quickly!
What is this privacy statement for?
Every person who visits the website (hereinafter referred to as: the “Visitor”) as well as anyone using our services (hereinafter referred to as: the “Customer”) almost inevitably divulges certain personal data. This personal data constitutes information which allows us to identify you as a natural person, regardless of whether we actually do so. You’re identifiable as soon as it is possible to create a direct or indirect link between one or more elements of personal data and you as a natural person. In addition to the Visitor and the Customer, these parties are hereinafter also collectively referred to as the “Party Concerned”.
We use and process your personal data in accordance with the GDPR and other relevant legal provisions. Every reference to the GDPR in this Privacy Statement is a reference to the Regulation of 27 April 2016 regarding the protection of natural persons in connection with the processing of personal data and regarding the free movement of this data (General Data Protection Regulation). This Privacy Statement informs each Party Concerned of the processing activities that COMPANYNAME can carry out with his or her personal data. COMPANYNAME reserves the right to modify this Privacy Statement at any time. Any substantial modification will be clearly communicated to the Party Concerned. We recommend that the Party Concerned consults this document regularly.
Who processes your personal data?
2.1. Controller
COMPANYNAME determines alone or in collaboration with others which personal data is collected, as well as the purpose and means of the processing of this personal data. Therefore, COMPANYNAME is a “controller” within the meaning of the GDPR. COMPANYNAME has taken appropriate technical and organisational measures to protect the personal data of its Visitors and Customers. COMPANYNAME uses various adequate security technologies and procedures to protect your personal data from unauthorised access, use or publication. COMPANYNAME ensures that the personal data provided is stored safely in a controlled environment.
2.2. Processor(s)
COMPANYNAME uses carefully selected “data processors” for the processing of the personal data of Visitors and Customers. A processor is a natural person or legal identity that processes personal data at the request of or on the behalf of the controller. The processor is obligated to guarantee the security and confidentiality of the personal data. The processor always acts according to the instructions of the controller.
COMPANYNAME employs the following categories of « processors »:
- Companies that we employ for marketing purposes;
- Companies that we employ for ICT/technical support and hosting purposes;
- Companies that we employ for administrative purposes (i.e. CRM system);
- Companies that we employ for analytical purposes.
With a view to optimal protection of the personal data of the Party Concerned, COMPANYNAME has made the necessary contractual agreements with the data processors mentioned above to make sure that they apply the same high standards as COMPANYNAME.
A transfer of personal data to a processor outside of the European Economic Area (EEA) can only take place to countries for which the Data Protection Authority in Belgium has determined that they offer an equivalent level of protection or, if this is not the case, insofar as COMPANYNAME has made the necessary contractual agreements with this processor, taking into account the standard provisions as imposed by the Belgian Data Protection Authority.
On what legal grounds is your personal data processed?
In accordance with the GDPR, we process personal data on the basis of the following legal grounds:
- On the basis of the execution of the agreement as agreed upon with the Customer, or the execution of the precontractual steps taken at the request of the Party Concerned; or
- On the basis of complying with legal or regulatory provisions related to the management of the contractual relationship with the Customer, invoicing in particular;
- On the basis of our legitimate interest to answer the information requests of Visitors and Customers;
- On the basis of our legitimate interest to send promotional offers (direct marketing) to our Customers;
- On the basis of our legitimate interest to send promotional offers (direct marketing) to Visitors;
Which personal data is processed?
COMPANYNAME undertakes to only collect and process the personal data necessary and relevant for the purposes for which it is processed.
The amount and type of personal data that COMPANYNAME collects about you depends on your use of the Website and/or our services. The collection of personal data is further expanded as the Website and our services are used more intensively. In general, Customers will dilvuge more personal data than Visitors. Specifically, we process the following categories of personal data:
- Customers:
Personal identification data (name, first name, address); Contact details (telephone number and email address); Personal data (gender, age, date and place of birth, nationality). - Visitors:
Electronic identification data (cookies, IP address); Other data sent to us via email. This personal data is collected when you visit our Website and/or when you email us.
For what purposes is your personal data used?
The processing of your personal data is essential for the proper functioning of the Website and the related services. The collection of personal data is further expanded as the Party Concerned uses the Website and our services more intensively.
The processing exclusively takes place according to the following well-defined purposes:
- Customers:
Customer management: customer administration, order administration, deliveries, invoicing, checking creditworthiness, support and handling complaints. Personalised marketing and advertising. In this case, the Customer always has the right to unsubscribe. - Visitors:
Answering information requests via email; Personalised marketing and advertising if the Visitor has expressly consented to this. In this case, the Visitor is always free to revoke his/her permission. Furthermore, the personal data of the Party Concerned can also be used for the following purposes:- Mediating disputes.
- Protection against fraud and violations.
In addition, we use cookies to recognise (the IP address of) Visitors and offer them a personalised user experience, to remember their technical choices and to locate and correct any errors on the Website. Consult our Cookie Policy for information on how we use cookies. Certain data is collected for statistical purposes during a visit to the Website. Such data is necessary in order to optimise the use of our Website. This data is: likely location of consultation, hour and day of consultation, which pages were visited, etc. In order to optimally protect your privacy, this data is always made anonymous.
We in any case do not collect any sensitive personal data, such as data about your race, political affiliation, health, religion or other beliefs, sexual orientation and similar. The Party Concerned always provides the personal data to COMPANYNAME himself or herself and can as such exercise a certain degree of control. COMPANYNAME maintains the right to suspend or cancel certain operations if the required personal data is missing, incorrect or incomplete.
Who receives your personal data?
Your personal data is only processed for internal use within COMPANYNAME. Your personal data will not be sold, transferred or communicated to third parties, unless you have given explicit prior permission for this or if the transfer is necessary for the execution of the agreement or legally required.
For how long do we store your personal data?
Your personal data is stored for as long as is necessary in order to achieve the goals described above. They will be deleted from our database when they are no longer necessary for achieving these goals of when the Party Concerned exercises the right to delete the personal data.
What are your rights?
Guaranteeing a lawful and secure processing of the personal data
Your personal data is always processed for legitimate purposes, as described in article 5. It is collected and processed in an appropriate, relevant and proportional manner, and is not stored for longer than is necessary to achieve our predetermined goals.
Right to access
If you can prove your identity, you acquire the right to access information about the processing of your personal data. You thus have the right to acquire insight into the purposes of the processing, the categories of personal data, the categories of the receivers to whom the personal data is sent, the criteria that determine the period of data retention and the rights you can exercise with regards to your personal data.
Right to rectify personal data
Inaccurate or incomplete information can be improved. You can contact us with a request to modify the data.
Right to erase your personal data
You also have the right to request the deletion of your personal data, in the following cases:
- Your personal data is no longer necessary for the predetermined goal;
- You revoke your permission for the processing of your personal data and there is no other legal basis for processing your data;
- You have lawfully objected the processing of your personal data;
- Your personal data is processed unlawfully;
- Your personal data has to be deleted on the basis of a legal obligation.
The deletion of personal data is mainly related to visibility; it is possible that the deleted data will remain stored temporarily.
Right to limit the processing
In some case, you have the right to request limitations on the processing of personal data. This is applies in the case of a dispute regarding the accuracy of personal data, if the personal data is necessary in the context of legal proceedings or during the period that COMPANYNAME needs to determine that you can legitimately exercise your right to deletion.
Right to object
You have the right to at any time object to the processing of your personal data for ‘direct marketing’ purposes, profiling purposes or purposes resulting from the legitimate interests of the controller. COMPANYNAME will stop processing your personal data unless COMPANYNAME can demonstrate that there are compelling legal reasons to process your personal data which take precedence over your right to object.
Right to transfer data
You have the right to acquire the personal data provided to COMPANYNAME in a structured, conventional and machine-readable format. In addition, you have the right to transfer this personal data to another controller unless this is technically impossible.
Right to revoke your permission
You always have the right to revoke your permission, for instance if you have given this permission for marketing purposes as a Visitor.
How can you exercise your rights?
If you would like to exercise your rights, you must send a written request and proof of identity via registered mail to COMPANYNAME, ADDRESS or via email to EMAIL. We will respond as quickly as possible, but at the latest one (1) month after receiving your request.
Possibility of submitting a complaint
If you have comments or complaints about the way we treat your personal data, we ask you to first notify us of this. This will allow us to reach a mutually agreeable solution. If you, following this notification, are still not satisfied with the processing of your personal data by COMPANYNAME, you have the right to submit a complaint to the competent supervisory authority (for Belgium: https://www.gegevensbeschermingsautoriteit.be/).
Cookie Policy
A cookie is a small text file that is placed on the hard drive of your computer or mobile device when you visit a website. The cookie is placed on your device by the website itself (“first party cookies”) or by partners of the website (“third party cookies”). The cookie recognises your device on the basis of a unique identification number when you return to the website and collects information about your surfing behaviour.
There are different types of cookies. We distinguish between the following cookies according to their purpose: there are essential or strictly necessary cookies and non-essential cookies (functional, analytical and targeting cookies).
The Belgian Electronic Communications Act of 13 June 2005 contains certain provisions on cookies and their use on websites. The law is a transposition of the European e-Privacy Directive, which means that the cookie legislation can be implemented differently in other European member states. COMPANYNAME is registered in Belgium and therefore follows the Belgian and European legislation regarding cookies.
Purpose and utility of cookies
By visiting the website you can agree to the placement of cookies. Cookies help COMPANYNAME optimise your visit to the website and offer you an optimal user experience. However, you are free to delete or restrict cookies at any time by changing your browser settings (see “Managing cookies”).
Deactivating cookies can affect the functioning of the website. Some functions of the website can become limited or inaccessible. If you decide to deactivate cookies, we cannot guarantee a smooth and optimal visit to our website.
Types of cookies used by COMPANYNAME
We distinguish between the following types of cookies:
- Strictly necessary cookies:
These cookies are necessary in order to allow the website to function and cannot be deactivated in our systems. They are usually only set up as a response to actions performed by you, such as setting up your privacy preferences, logging in or submitting forms. - Non-essential cookies:
These cookies are not necessary for the functioning of the website, but do help us offer an improved and personalised website. - Functional cookies:
These cookies allow the website to offer improved functionality and personalisation. They can be set up by us or by external providers whose services we have added to our pages. - Analytical cookies:
These cookies allow us to record visits and traffic so we can measure and improve the performance of our website. They help us know which pages are the most and least popular and how visitors move throughout the website. - Targeting cookies:
These cookies can be set up on our website by our advertising partners. These companies can use them to compile a profile of your interests and show you relevant adverts on other sites.
We use our own cookies (‘first party cookies’) on the one hand and cookies of carefully selected partners with whom we collaborate (‘third party cookies’) on the other hand.
First Party Cookies:
Domain name: DOMAIN
Third Party Cookies:
Domain name:
Consult our Privacy Policy for more information about the processing of personal data by COMPANYNAME.
Cookie management
Make sure cookies are enabled in your web browser. If you would like to consult the COMPANYNAME website, we recommend that you enable cookies. However, you are free to disable cookies in the settings of your browser.
In order to enable or disable cookies, you must change your browser settings (in the “Preferences” or “Options” tab). The following topics can be looked in Google and provide more information about how to manage cookies. You can also consult the “Help” tab of your browser.
- Deleting and managing cookies in Internet Explorer
- Deleting and managing cookies in Mozilla Firefox
- Deleting and managing cookies in Chrome
- Deleting and managing cookies in Safari
Rights of the visitors
Considering that cookies can process personal data, you as a party concerned have the right to legitimate and secure processing of personal data. You can find more information about the way in which we collect and process personal data as well as your rights in our Privacy Policy.
If you still have questions or comments about cookies after reading our Cookie Policy, you can always contact us at EMAIL.